Saturday, August 4, 2007

Hot Rod (2007)

Synopsis: Rod Kimble (Andy Sandberg) is a hardcore stunt man. Well he's not stunt man. In fact he's exactly the opposite of everything a stunt man should be! But that's okay cause he's a stunt man in his mind! All he wants to do is earn the respect of his step father Frank. But he can't do that because Frank is going to die as from heart failure. Now he must do one last huge jump to raise 50,000 dollars in order to get Frank the transplant and kick his ass!... in order to win his respect.

Should You Watch It? This movie is going to be hit and miss for a lot of folks. This isn't like the traditional comedy where they set up a situation and it's funny because that's life. This movie goes for the "what the fuck" moment by throwing in there all sorts of randomness that really doesn't have anything to do with anything. For some people this might seem like pure genius but may leave some starring at the screen and scratching their heads. But seriously, you should all just watch it for Richardson.

Things to Watch Out For: Isla Fischer plays the love interest for Rod and she's soooo hot. I didn't think she was that hot in Wedding Crashers and Talledega Nights: Ballad of Ricky Bobby but for some reason, she has the girl next door/natural look going for her which I just totally dig. The awkward romance between the two characters is so stupid but at the same time rewarding and of course, random as always. Moreover, his crew adds so much dimension to the film. Although, it can be argued that they're all the same characters, each brings enough diverity to be fresh enough to add layers to the film.

Things You Don't Expect: This film is a throw back 80s film and the music is surprisingly accurate. It's amazing how they got the license for all the tracks that it did for what seems like such a low budget film. In fact the entire movie should be put under this category cause there will be things you will never expect.

Final Comments:
Story: 6.0
Direction: 7.0
Acting: 8.5
Cinematography: 6.5
Music/Sound: 8.8

Entertainment Value: 8.0

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