Friday, September 28, 2007

미녀는 괴로워 (200 Pound Beauty) (Kor.)

This Movie Is About Kang Ha Na ( Kim Ahn Jung) who is the perfect girl. She's nice, she's a great singer, and very open to sex becaus she moonlights as a sex chat operator over the phone. The only problem is that she's super fat. Fine, I guess if you want to be completely politically correct, she's overweight. I'm not judging or anything but in society, if you're that over-weight, you're gonna have a hard time finding some person who loves you, or at least, openly loves you. It's a hard life made harder when all Ha Na wants to do is be a singer which she's really good at! As a result, she lip syncs for another pop star who's not very good at singing. So one day, Ha Na gets fed by because the man she loves, who's the producer, Sang Jun (Ju Jin Mo), tells the pop star that they are just using Ha Na. Well, like any woman with that much on her mind, she snaps and decides to get full body plastic surgery. She comes out looking smokin' hot and ends up becoming a pop star with the producer that she loves. The producer eventually falls in love with her but how real is it? The answer is obvioiusly: not very. Which, ironically, is the answer when asking how real the rest of the movie is.

You Should Watch This Movie because this is the all-time feel good movie, ever. If you're down on your day and you feel that no one understands you and that life is just one big suck-ass, then you should pop in this flick and let it do its magic. Hell, you can turn off the subtitles and you'll get it. Sure, it might seem like this film is cliche city and that there is nothing surprising. Which is true. But at the same time, it uses all the elements very well and creates a strong productt that makes you laugh and cry and feel good, and in the end gives you a reliable film other than a predictable one.

What's Hot: If you can't tell already, Kim Ahn Jung is very much the dream in this film. Not only is she physically very attractive, her personality and character is any guy's dream. Okay, so now that every body knows I'm not gay, I will talk about the story a bit. The movie revolves around the music world and it uses pop culture and whatever. That means, there are concerts and music which is all pretty good. On top of that, they add in clever writing tricks like setting up items or little ticks that comes back later on to reveal slowly to our male love interest that the girl he loves is indeed the same girl that he loved subconsciously before. Writing like this really makes a mediocre storyline that much more satisfying in retrospect and helps separate it from the other sugar-saturated garbage that passes for a movie these days.

What's Not Hot: The fact that every guy in this movie falls over backwards for this chick. I know, she's really hot, but seriously, the guys in this movie need to grow a pair or lose a pair in order to gain some respectablility. The only person in this film that actually isn't so dramatic and stupid is Sang Jun which is good since he's such a big character but even he's guilty of being overly dramatic at times. But I guess this is an Asian film and that will always be expected. And there will always be stupid logic questions that can destroy any film like why does she need to be at the concert to lip sync of the other pop star? Can't they just record it? Small things irk some people and if you can't sit through those and just watch the good parts, then this movie might be a challenge to get through.

Breaking It Down:
Story: 7.0 (Kim Yong Hwa & No Hye Yeong)
Direction: 7.2 (Kim Yong Hwa)
Acting: 6.0
Cinematography: 7.5
Music/Sound: 8.0

Entertainment Value: 6.8 (not an average)

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