Friday, October 26, 2007

Planet Terror (2007)

This Movie Is About: a science experiment gone wrong and the city is infected with the aftermath. A green smoke thing leaked into the air and has infected everyone in this town including the army. Now it's up to a group of people who are immune to band together and stop these super zombies and try to escape the city and find a safe haven. It sounds pretty simple until you get into the group of characters and it seems like everyone hates everyone else which makes it that much more interesting as opposition comes from all angles and the solution often results in massive amounts of blood and gore which is all fine and dandy and pretty much expected from a place called Planet Terror.

You Should Watch This Movie Because: it has a bunch of monsters, castration, monsters, tits, monsters, blood, blood, blood, gore, gore, gore, blood, more tits, explosion, explosion, blood, tits, monsters, blood, blood, explosion... happy ending. Now, if that doesn't make you want to watch this movie then please go to and look at the cast. Everyone in this movie is freakin' hot for no reason. Hell, most of this movie has no reason but it's somehow awesome. You just have to throw out story, logic, ethics before you load'er up and you'll enjoy the ride.

What's Hot: Other than all the girls in this movie. Which by the way are ridiculous. Because I swear to God, all Robert Rodriguez did was go to his casting director and told him or her to get him the hottest girls they can find who are willing to be naked and/or sexually exploited on film. And man did he ever find a whole bunch. Other than Rose McGowan, there are plenty of fine botty to go around for your taste. I mean, other than that the zombies are kind of like water ballons. That is, whenever they are shot or pretty much just touched, they explode in a glory of blood and guts. It was pretty cool if you can believe that the body reacts this way in this place. The visuals are great as well since this is supposed to emulate an old school Grindhouse film. It has all the makings of a classic action/gore film.

What's Not Hot: Everything I say here will probably just be countered with "well it's that type of movie." Which is very true. Every shitty dialogue or contrived story line is apart of the experience and because it was marketed and made like that, they can get away with a whole bunch of shit. But I know there will be some of you out there that won't be able to accept that. Okay, so those of you sour-pusses might find the dialogue just brutal, or the logic of pretty much everything that happens in this movie. What else? Well, if you don't like excessive gore, or lesbian sex, then maybe this isn't for you either. Just think of the worse thing in the Catholic bible and it's in there. If you're Catholic you probably don't want to see this movie.

Breaking It Down:
Story: 5.0 (Robert Rodriguez)
Direction: 8.8 (Robert Rodriguez)
Acting: 7.5
Cinematograpy: 9.0
Music/Sound: 5.5

Entertainment Value: 7.2 (not an average)

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