Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Dan in Real Life (2007)

This Movie Is About: Dan Burns (Steve Carell) who writes an advice colume in the paper every week answering questions about family. He is the perfect family man, or was at least. He has three daughters all different ages and on top of that, he has to deal with his own grief of losing his wife. All of this has to be solved when he and his girls go to a annual family reunion in Rhode Island for the holidays. Dan, confused about what to do with his daughters whom all want different things than him, goes to get the paper at the harbor only to meet the perfect woman, Anna Marie (Juliette Binoche). At first, it just seems like infactuation. Why not?! She's hot, she's foreign, she doesn't know what she wants in life just like Dan. So they start talking, and talking and talking until she suddenly has to go. Dan, disappointed, goes back to the cabin and tells everyone about this girl only to realize that she's in the cabin... as his brother, Mitch's (Dane Cook) new girl friend that he is absolutely in love with. That's the situation which plays out during this family outting. And it's never fun to wash woman's underwear, especially teenage girls.

You Should Watch This Movie Because: it's probably the realest romantic comedy you will see this year. When I say real obviously it's not real cause things just don't end the way this movie did but still it's a nice change to the normal emo dramas out there where the hero is dealing with life and what his role is and all that stuff. Usually those movies are boring with a lot of brooding and internal conflict that we never see. But this time, the conflict is right out there in the open and Dan is getting it hard from all fronts. The romance, of course, is the story but what's really interesting about this film is the way the family all comes together. Of course, not everyone plays a big role because that's impossible but just the way it touches on all the quirks and nuances of a big family really brings this film to a new level of reality and something we can all identify with. As a result, we really feel for Dan and his situation because it's a situation we've either all been in, or heard of or possibly will be in sometime down the road.

What's Hot: Steve Carell is back this time and although his performance does resemble his previous roles especially from The 40 Year Old Virgin, it is still unique and real at the same time to make his character the most enjoyable part of the film. He brings a certain type of awkward humor to the movie which counter balances his depressive moments and moments when we really don't want to be him. So we got that he's great. But what's even greater is that everyone in this movie is flawed like a bitch. Not just Anne Marie because she is soooo out of this world from perfect that we really feel for her being in a situation where she can potentially rip a family apart but also the supporting cast are all so human with their emotions and opinions it really makes the environment seem like a home video of sorts. Some people might not like that and would disagree with having so many things going on that doesn't relate to the A plot but I thought it just added flavor to a very well balanced diet.

What's Not Hot: Because they are in a small town and because everyone in this film is pretty nice, there will be slow parts. And this movie does drag a bit in the second act which can be expected. He can't spend all his time with Anne Marie after all. So what do they do with the time that he's not spending with his love interest? He goes out and wanders around talking about life. I know it sounds boring and it is. This movie has a very simple message about how family comes first and you should take your own advice and all that good stuff. It's a fine premise and theme but this movie really drills it into your head with non stop talk about themes using metaphors. It can get a bit tiring and by half way through the film you already know the lesson he will learn but he just doesn't learn it until the very end. Just a irk and nothing serious but something that was going to be problematic from day one.

Last Comments: Dan in Real Life is a romantic comedy at the core but in honestly, it is the most interesting romantic comedy that I have seen because it has the most basic and uninteresting set up. It's just a guy in a mid life crisis that goes away with his teenage daughters trying to get on with his life and doesn't know how. It's a very simple concept and something we can all relate to which is why I think it was so entertaining. You're with this person all the way because we likely know someone who is going through this or has gone through it. This film really brings common problems into the lime light and although no one is going to die or the world isn't going to blow up if Dan doesn't get with Anna Marie, we recognize that if he doesn't get with her, it might be his last chance at happiness. Having the audience make that connection and buying it is something extrodinary in the writing and pulled off brilliantly in the execution by the actors as well as the director and definitely worth watching.

Breaking It Down:
Story: 7.9 (Pierce Gardner & Peter Hedges)
Direction: 7.5 (Peter Hedges)
Acting: 8.2
Cinematography: 7.0
Music/Sound: 6.8

Entertainment Value: 7.6 (not an average)

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