This Movie Is About: the true story about Battling Bob Satterfield who was once considered the top three boxer in the world and had the chance to be the number one contender. That was in the 50s and now is now, and right now The Champ (Samuel L. Jackson) as he so calls himself, is living out of dumpsters and getting beat up by cocky teenagers. It's not looking so good for The Champ until one night he runs into an young hot-shot sports reporter, Erik Kernan Jr. (Josh Harnett) whose father was the famous radio sports announcer, Erik Kernan. It is no doubt that Jr. has a lot to live up to and so far he hasn't done his name justice. That's when he bumps into The Champ outside a low tier boxing match he had to attend. They get to talking and Kernan soon discovers this bums try identity. With the help of his researcher at the local newspaper he works for, he goes after the real truth behind what happened to Battling Bob Satterfield and in the mean time, kick starting his career. Things are going fast until he finds out the real truth behind Battling Bob and the guy who claims to be him.
What's Not Hot: There are so many things going on and so many turns that it's easy to get lost in the story lines and I think the writers might have gotten lost a bit themselves! It's not that bad, in fact the story is actually quite dramatic for something that's real.
Last Comments: Resurrecting the Champ brings a lot to the table and the drama is thick and fast through out this true life story. There are problems with the logic but if you are willing to over-look that then this film will be a real hit for you. The whole dynamic between would be all-star boxer now living on the street and the hot-shot desperate reporter looking for a break is a great one and one that is thoroughly explored. The family issue is a nice touch and gives it a bit more depth even though some back story and clarification throughout the arc would have been appreciated. Overall, this is a great drama and definitely one of the best of 2007.
Breaking It Down:
Story: 7.8 (J.R. Moehringer: article, Michael Bortman & Allison Burnett: screenplay)
Direction: 7.0 (Rod Lurie)
Acting: 9.0
Cinematography: 7.0
Music/Sound: 6.0
Entertainment Value: 8.0 (not an average)
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