Synopsis: Zana Briski and Ross Kauffman take you on a journey into the red light district in Sonagchi, Calcutta. They lived in the red light district and developed a very close relationship with nine children born into prositituion. There, they taught them photography and the idea that there is a life outside of those narrow alleys. But these children have it tough and prositution is a way of life for their families and their families before them. The only way for these children to have a shot at a normal life is for them to be transfered to a boarding school, but who would ever accept children born in the red light district? This is an emotional tale about one woman and nine kids' struggle to overcome, culture, tradition, family, and a million other obstacles just to get a chance at living a normal life.
Should You Watch It? I don't really like documentries. I find them pretty boring and sometimes a bit too preachy. But this is something everyone should watch. Not only does it show us what actually goes on the parts of the world we have no idea even existed, but it also makes us look at ourselves and really forces us to appreciate life. I thought I appreciated everything I have but really, we could all do a little reflecting and this movie definitely is the place to start.
Things to Watch Out For: When Zana Briski went there to teach photography, she gave each of the children a camera for them to go explore the city and take pictures of areas she can't go to. This film is really told through these pictures and it really puts a very unique focus on the film. Each child goes through their own struggles and it's important to remember who is who but sometimes it's hard. There are two kid that will stand out. Avijit is an extrodinary boy and along witih Kochi a bright girl. They are the central figures in this film.
Things You Don't Expect: Just how powerful this film is and how much one person can do to change the world of others. People in the world who are willing to sacrifice years of their lives for a cause that only they believe in are truely extrodinary and that to me is amazing and something I totally did not expect from anyone in this world anymore. This film has gave me a new respect for humanity.
Final Score: 8.5
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