Synopsis: Christian Bale is back in all his snake eating glory as he plays the real life hero, Dieter Dengler who was an American bomber pilot shot down in Laos during the prequel leading up to the Vietnam War. He gets caught and sent to a POW camp. If anybody still believes that these camps are a place of refuge for enemy soldiers, well you are too naive because it's anything but a haven. He meets other Americans there including a veteran of the prison, Duane (Steve Zahn). Together, they work together to set up an elaborate escape plan which will take them from the prison and hopefully into Thailand where they will seek help. But the biggest challenge isn't getting out of the prison. Oh no! Once they're out they realize that "the jungle is the real prison."
Should You Watch It? This movie is solid and because it's based on a real person, it makes it even more satisfying in the end. The film is a bit slow at times, and Dieter is a bit of an arrogant jerk and he doesn't really change in the end. It doesn't really take anything away from an otherwise very authentic reproduction of survival for POWs during the Vietnam War. Even if you are not a fan of war films, the tense moments associated with all prison breaks will keep you on your toes and entertained for the two hours.
Things to Watch Out For: This film is pretty old school. I say that because of it's presentation. The opening long ass credit sequence is something that is common in older films and the black and white title is also a throw back to the previoius generations. The cinematography is interesting as well because the sun's white light washes over most of the colour and although things happen in a jungle, often times everything feels very bland. This, I think, is to portray the immense heat and overwhelming feeling that Dieter went through during his struggle for survival. And how thin some of the actors got for this movie is also amazing.
Things You Don't Expect: Werner Herzog is a writer/director and at times it really showed. The dialogue was a bit lacking at times, but it wasn't very glaring. Some of the things the character says seems a bit out of place but it doesn't pull you out of the film. There are some minor issues with plot which isn't a very big deal. That is, there are things set up that aren't paid off in the end which is understandable and not a big deal but I'm just nit-picking here cause that's what they pay me for. Or... that's what... you get my point.
Final Comments:
Story: 6.5 (Werner Herzog: screen play)
Direction: 7.8 (Werner Herzog)
Acting: 8.0
Cinematography: 8.2
Music/Sound: 7.6
Final Score: 7.8
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