Saturday, June 2, 2007

Knocked Up (2007)

Synopsis: Ben Stone is a loveable party animal who enjoys smoking up and hitting it up in the clubs. He doesn't have a job nor does he want a job! All he does in addition to what's mentioned above is run a website that tells people which movies celebrities get naked in. Alison Scott is a hard working entertainment news director. She's hot, she's dedicated on keeping it tight and her determination has paid off in a raise! Starting Monday she will be on stage interviewing the stars! So pretty much, these two hook up randomly at a club when they're totally wasted and that begins a roller coaster journey of 9 months filled with enough ups and downs fitting of a porno.

Should You Watch This Movie? This movie is fucking hilarious. Sorry for the language but that is really the only way to describe it. Seth Rogen is the new Steve Carell and I'm not saying Steve Carell has lost it but this guy is just unbelievably funny. Katherine Heigl is not as funny but she's hot as hell. It makes me wanna watch Grey's Anatomy hardcore! She's the contrast in this film and she plays opposites with Seth Rogan to perfection. I can definitely see her as the next up coming star. But what makes this movie over the top funny is the supporting cast. Not only do you have about four members of The Office making appearances but you also have Paul Rudd whom you might remember from Friends when he played Pheobe's love interest, Mike. But yeah, he's awesome.

Things to Watch Out For: This story is pretty basic and the theme is a simple "it doesn't matter if you're perfect as long as you're perfect for each other" kinda deal and it's not that evident unless you really look for it. But really, the banter back and forth is sometimes pretty fast paced and you need to stay on your toes to get it all, but even if you miss a few jokes, there will be plenty of them to keep you entertained.

Things You Don't Expect: This film is pretty graphic. I really... I was really surprised. And I'm not going to tell you anything more specific, but there will be times when you will cringe haha. I was disappointed with the music or maybe I was just too caught up in everything else to notice. But whatever, that's so minor and petty haha I'm sorry.

Final Comments:
Story: 6.8
Direction: 9.0 (Judd Apatow)
Acting: 9.6
Cinematography: 7.0
Music/Sound: 6.5

Final Score: 8.8

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