Synopsis: Jake Huard, James Franco, grew up always being underestimated, put down, and labeled as a failure. He has lived his life on a mission to prove people wrong. He gets his ultimate test when, despite his father's protests, joins the Navy Academy, Annapolis. He soon realizes that he's in over his head as he is far behind all the other recruits in terms of education, know how, and pretty much everything else that's needed to get by. But the thing he doesn't lack is heart and desire as this two strengths are put to the test everyday through the rigorous routine of the academy where everyone wants him to fail including Tyrese Gibson who plays Cole, the company's major. Jake soon realizes that life isn't all about fighting everyone around him, but fighting for what he wants. And if he is willing to pay the price to get it.
Should You Watch It? It seems that this movie tries to be too many things. One one hand, you have the perfect character that audiences love. The down and out underdog that has been behind all his life, desperately trying to prove himself by going after his dream and defeating all obstacles. The story unfolds over an annual boxing tournament in Annapolis where anyone can participate. This movie doesn't really do these two motifs justice as it tries to focus on the life and routine of being a naval student while throwing in the boxing on the side. As a result, the audience doesn't really get a complete sense of either side. But nonetheless, the story is written well enough to get away with it, and although the boxing is nothing compared to Rocky, there are still moments that makes your heart catch in your throat. Oh and if that isn't enough, Jordana Brewster whose the dream, is back as Jake's love interest as she plays Ali Halloway, an officer in the academy. She's uber cute and a flirt which is kinda out of character but whocares!
Things to Watch Out For: Everyone in their life has been told by someone, parents, teachers, bosses etc, that they can't do something or that they aren't good enough. This movie tells us that all those things are crap and if there is something you want bad enough, go get it. The main point of the movie is showing the audience that no matter your history, as long as you get a shot, it's in your hands to make it happen. But sometimes that shot comes at a price you have to pay by giving up your pride which is the only thing a person like Jake had growing up which makes letting it go the hardest thing he will ever have to do.
Things You Don't Expect: This movie isn't as hardcore as you might think. The cruel world of naval academies is softened compared to other movies like G.I. Jane. Granted the marines are a bit more challenging than a school but the feeling of grimmness just isn't there. It doesn't help either with such a smokin' hot officer like Ali either haha.
Final Score: 5.5
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