Should You Watch It? Do you like stupid comedy that draws its humour from random things? Then this movie is for you. This movie is funny, it really is. But it's funny cause it's stupid and over the top, and there is really nothing else to do but laugh when they do some of the things they do and say. The acting performances are all pretty expected, especially from Will Ferral.
Things to Watch Out For: Chazz is an alcholic and a sex addict. If that doesn't get your attention then this movie is gonna do nothing for you. Jenna Fischer plays Katie, whose Jimmy's love interest in this movie and she has been great in The Office and it's great to see her get some respect and play a prominent role in a feature film. Obviously, she was great. Alright fine, I'm bias but she was good.
Things You Don't Expect: This movie is on the brink of being surreal. Of course every movie is a dramatization but this movie pushes the envelope in terms of what audiences will accept as plausible. Haha, but it's the type of movie this is cause if you really thought you would see Will Ferral do triple axels then you are very much mistaken.
Final Comments:
Story: 6.5
Direction: 6.0
Acting: 8.8
Cinematography: 7.0
Music/Sound: 7.8
Final Score: 7.2
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