Synopsis: This movie follows three communist loving hippies around Paris during the late 1960s when America was at war in Vietnam. Isabelle and Theo are citizens of Paris and they are brother and sister. They come in contact with Matthew whose an American studying French during the time. They become very close and share a life changing experience through movies, politics, and sex. But the plot isn't the main point of the movie. Isabelle and Theo are brother and sister but you don't realize that until super later cause they are very very VERY comfortable with each other and their relationship boarders on incest. Matthew is caught in between this peticular situation and can't get out because he himself is in love with Isabelle whose torn between the two most important people in her life.
Should You Watch It? This film is really about what happens to people when they live life vicariously through others. These three characters represent all the scholars and people out there that has a problem with everything and has something to say about every issue. Those people rarely ever do something about it and this movie criticises them by suggesting that those people really don't believe in what they're saying. Isabelle and Theo's relationship is a personification of what happens to people when they cling on the only thing they know because they are too afraid to go out into the world. The two siblings eventually latch on to Communism as their ideal utopian society because they hate facism but because they never really "lived" in the world they have no idea what Communism or anything else for that matter really means.
Things to Watch Out For: Eva Green is pretty great in this movie and she's pretty great being naked haha. She's the chick in Casino Royale and she shows why they picked her for that role in this movie.
Things You Don't Expect: There are a lot of nakeness in this movie especially of guys so be warned! hahaha. And the film is a bit artsy and it is a bit slow. I guess that's something you would expect but still. Some of the ideas are portrayed in a artsy yet realistic way which is fine and doesn't take anything away from the plot.
Final Comments:
Story: 7.0
Direction: 6.0
Acting: 8.0
Cinematography: 7.5
Music/Sound: 6.0
Final Score: 6.5
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