Synopsis: Matthew McConaughey is back in his usual role as a confident athletic, cool, yet emotionally detached late 30s bachelor, Tripp. He sleeps around with women and enjoys life a bit too much to really care about the fact that he's still living at home. His parents eventually get fed up with him always slacking around the house and doing his laundry that they decide to seek an intervention. They hire Paula, Sarah Jessica Parker, to simulate a relationship in order to give Tripp the confidence he needs to move out. Tripp seems to be an open and shut case until Tripp and Paula inevitably fall in love leading to a series of events which are both comedic and emotional at certain points of the movie. A group of quirky support characters fill out a standard romantic comedy with all the twists and turns put in at all the expected places all wrapped up with a suffice ending.
Should You Watch It? If you liked How to Loose a Guy in 10 Days, then you'll probably like this movie. Even though this movie doesn't have as interesting of a plot, it's pretty much the same movie except with a different main actress. And although Sarah Jessica Parker does a good job in filing in for Kate Hudson, the story just isn't there to make this movie worth watching even though I am sure fans of Sex and the City would disagree. I have never watched Sex and the City, but I would think this movie probably resembles that series quite a bit. So, if you miss that show, or if you really don't have anything else to watch, or if you're maybe starving for some feel good drama that will never happen in real life, or maybe if you've just misplaced your copy of How to Loose a Guy in 10 Days and you really want to watch it, then this movie could be worth the view.
Things to Watch Out For: This is Sarah Jessica Parker's first film debut and despite the predictable story line and dialogue she still shows the audience why she's popular and why Sex and the City was so well recieved. There is no doubt that she is charismatic and there is no doubt that Matthew McConaughey is quite good looking himself. So if you do watch this movie, enjoy the hour and 30 minutes of two pretty good looking people making out and talking, and then making out some more.
Things You Don't Expect: This movie actually has a theme believe it or not. Yes it actually goes below skin surface. There are numerous times when the movie refers to the ol' leap of faith to buying a boat. It's kind of an interesting analogy and one worth thinking about. Well not really. But maybe it's worth a thought as you're taking a piss after the movie.
Final Score: 5.0
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