Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Hitcher (2007)

Synopsis: Sean Bean plays a pissed off hitchiker whose on a mission to kill as many people as he can before dying. That's really all there is to know about this film. If you really wanna get into then fine. This murdering mad man runs across a couple, Jim and Grace, on their way to spring break. WOOHOO! And the movie proceeds to show how the hitchiker goes about trying to own them while owning everyone who gets in his way. Oh did I mention this happens in New Mexico? I don't know what it is about that State. It seems that's the place to film horror movies these days. Hmm...well anyways it does give it a nice red neck feel. Well not nice but it suits the film. If you haven't started wondering why this guy wants to kill people then good for you. Unfortunately, I don't have any answer. It seems to me that all this guy wants to do is die cause apparantly it's a great feeling. But hey! who goes to watch these movies for the story line anyways.

Should You Watch It? This movie isn't really horror cause there just isn't that much gore. So I guess I would have to say that it's a thriller. To be honest, there wasn't that many thrills. I mean, it's only two people running away from one guy. Although this movie tried to put in some action sequences in there, it didn't feel so good. And halfway through it, it tried to add more of twist and bring in more people to give it a Seven ending but yeah that didn't work. So, I guess if you're a particular fan of any of the actors or if you're a fan of the original movie back in 1986 then you should watch it.

Things to Watch Out For: For some reason Sean Bean has been in a lot of crappy horror movies these days. Hmm, don't know why. I don't know, maybe he just wants to try something new. Anyways! he does a pretty good job of his character without much help. He plays a great villan and too bad the story wasn't stronger to give him a bit more personality. Sophia Bush continues to impress as she is surely becoming one of the up and coming actresses. I noticed her first in John Tucker Must Die but she shows people that she can play a variety of roles and still stay hot!

Things You Don't Expect: Ummm....well...there isn't much gore...and they don't show you much ownage. The villan really doesn't have an imagination when it comes to owning. He's lazy, all he did was shoot people or stab people without showing us how he stabbed them. So if you're expecting a movie with a lot of imagination then..I'm sorry.

Final Comments:
Story: 5.0
Direction: 6.0
Acting: 8.5
Cinematography: 7.0
Music/Sound: 5.5

Final Score: 5.5

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